Follow along with Winnipeg RockDoc Tyler Chliboyko from the Wellness Institute for his pre-run mobility session using RockFloss, RockBalls Infinity and RockTape kinesiology tape. Whether you’re new to running, or a regular trailblazer, it’s always...
by Brad Norris – Clinical Educator We are always hesitant to use the term “rules” when outlining our RockTape taping philosophy. Rules tend to constrain a clinician or movement professional when in fact, when applying tape, we adhere to a more concept driven model....
To tell chiropractors that they should floss, on first inspection, might seem as self-evident as telling them to get adjusted. Most of them are heavily into the game of self-preservation and prefer to practice what they preach. However, you may not be asking your...
Campbell, Cal. – Aug. 17 – RockTape Inc., a leader in sports medicine products and education, has announced the latest addition to its mobility line—RockFloss. RockFloss is a latex band designed for muscle and joint “flossing” before and/or after training, and for...