Speed Kills!

Speed Kills! One of the greatest performance indicators for any sport is speed – pure and simple. Whether you’re a team, sprint, field, or endurance, the faster athlete will always have the advantage. However, that isn’t to say that speed is the only characteristic...

Resisted Running – A Tool for Everyone

Resisted Running – A Tool for Everyone Resisted running | Typically relegated to sprinting individual athletes, resisted running is a novel method of creating additional demands for running. The academic literature is not entirely sold on whether resisted...
self care

Self Care Gameplan

Self Care Gameplan As healthcare professionals who use manual therapy, we generally are good with prescribing homecare to our clients and helping them with what they need to do to get better, improve and achieve their treatment goals.  However, what if one time one of...

Waking the Psoas

Waking the Psoas https://www.rocktape.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/YouCut_20230123_235017842.mp4 Whether you’re an athlete or live an active lifestyle, at some point you may find yourself dealing with some nagging low back pain that just will not leave.  It may come...