chantal bouchard pride

Pride with Chantal Bouchard and RockTape Canada

by Chantal Bouchard “Whatever our differences, we are all the same” Growing up, I was not the girly girl type. I didn’t like to play with barbies or brush my hair, I preferred Tonka trucks and hanging out with the boys. At school, I was known as the athletic and...
Chantal Bouchard CrossFit

Managing Injuries – The Mental Battle

By Chantal Bouchard Dealing with injuries as a competitive CrossFit athlete is not easy. In 2018, I injured my right shoulder while doing a ring muscle up. I didn’t seek help right away, believing that time would heal everything. This was the worst decision I could...
Chantal Bouchard - CrossFit

Meet Chantal Bouchard !

Chantal Bouchard is a full-time Social Worker in the Child Protection Field. After retiring as a national badminton player, she discovered a passion for Crossfit. Chantal quickly qualified top 20 in Canada at the 2017 Crossfit Open. After competing at the Crossfit...