Rotator cuff injury - vib ball

Rotator Cuff Pain Relief – Just Keep Swinging

by Jeff Kittmer The shoulder is arguably one of our most mobile joints, and the most common site of injury. With its complex shape and rotator cuff support system, it is susceptible to strain and tears from repetitive movements that involve reaching overhead or...

Welcome the New RockTape Podcast Into the World!

Welcome to the RockTape podcast, where we cover the latest and greatest in sports medicine / rehabilitation products and education. Nerd out about bodywork, adjustments, mobility drills and treatment tools with master RockTape FMT instructor and movement &...

Meet a RockTape Chiro: Todd Rodman, DC, CCSP, CSCS

Why did you get into chiropractic? A few reasons: 1.) Selfishly: at 20 I had a catastrophic lower back injury and wanted to learn how to help myself overcome excruciating discomfort*. I can safely say that now at 34 I feel better than I did before I was hurt because...

Meet a RockTape Chiro: Cody Fowler, DC

Why did you get into chiropractic? When I was 20 years old, I was in a traumatic snowboarding accident that left me with a fully compressed thoracic vertebra and fractured cervical vertebra–the damage to my spine rendered me functionally paralyzed. I was...