In order to pursue her career in professional boxing, Casey Morton recently made the move from her native Oahu, Hawaii to San Francisco, California. Often earning Fight of the Night and Fighter of the Night awards in her bouts, this boxing beauty is notorious for her...
Water polo originated in the mid-1800’s as an aquatic version of rugby. Let that sink in for a second… They took one of the roughest sports in existence, then added water to it! The sport itself features intervals of intense bursts of activity about 15 seconds long...
“No one needs to spend time telling me to start using RockTape over other kinesiology tape. I have been a believer and steadfast user for over 5 years. I estimate that I have used, both in my clinic and on the road with USA Diving, over 600 rolls of RockTape....
Why did you get into massage therapy? After a disabling car accident where I was told I’d never be able to be physically active again I learned about massage therapy. I met a chiropractor 4 months after the accident who helped me but said massage therapy was...