by RockTape Canada
Read Paralympic cyclist Samantha Bosco’s story about how she ROCKED RIO in 2016! the day i became a paralympic bronze...
by RockTape Canada
Would you tell us a little bit about your background? How long have you been cycling competitively? My first local race was in 2010. I progressed pretty quickly and ended up racing Nationals in 2012. I would say that event really got me into racing competitively at a...
by RockTape Canada
Tell us about yourself. I’m a Paralympic cyclist. I raced mountain bikes when I was younger, before having a limb-lengthening surgery go awry and left me with muscle atrophy, bone-on-bone at the ankle, low ankle flexion, low bone density, knee discomfort*, hip...
by RockTape Canada
Would you tell us a little bit about your background? How long have you competed in Track & Field, and when did you first start throwing the hammer? What other events have you tried out? I was born in St. Louis, Missouri. In high school I was never a thrower. My...
by RockTape Canada
Would you tell us a little bit about your background? How long have you been wrestling competitively? I began wrestling my sophomore year of high school. I went on to compete in college at the University of Nebraska Kearney and was a 4-time All-American and 2-time...