Courtney Conley, DC – Building Resilience from the Ground Up

Owner, Total Health Solutions,

Dr. Conley graduated from the National University of Health Sciences with a Doctorate in Chiropractic in 2003. She also holds a B.S in Kinesiology and Exercise Science from the University of Maryland. Courtney currently owns and operates Total Health Solutions in Golden, Colorado where she has put together a team of skilled professionals to treat the weekend warrior to the ultra distance athlete. Courtney specializes in working with endurance athletes improving function and performance. She particularly enjoys working with the triathlete and ultra distance running communities with a special interest in foot and gait biomechanics. Her extensive continuing education has been focused around foot assessment, lower extremity biomechanics, and gait analysis. Courtney is a triathlete herself, and competes regularly in the circuit. She is addicted to movement, and the desire to learn which has enabled her to relate to her clientele and achieve success.

You don’t want to miss Courtney at RockStock 2018. She will cover the importance of grounding our foundation in respect to human movement and function.


Posted on

August 13, 2018

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