FMT Blades Advanced

Please complete your final test. You must pass with a 70% or higher grade.

Please complete with the *exact* same details you registered for our courses with. Your name and email address must match.

1 / 30

Medically unexplained symptoms account for at least?

2 / 30

Be the ___________________ person in the room?

3 / 30

The phrase, Therapeutic Alliance means?

4 / 30

One variable of our MultiModal Approach is

5 / 30

Two Point Discrimination tests for

6 / 30

Our screen process for this course includes

7 / 30

What does the D stand for in the DRANS screen?

8 / 30

What does the R stand for in the DRANS screen?

9 / 30

What does the A stand for in DRANS screen?

10 / 30

What does the N stand for in the DRANS screen?

11 / 30

What does the S stand for on the DRANS screen?

12 / 30

What is a sign of over-treating that is communicated via the patient?

13 / 30

What is a sign of over treatment to the nervous system?

14 / 30

Skin is _____________________ to interact with.

15 / 30

How many kilometers of nerves in the human body?

16 / 30

The ratio of myelinated to unmyelinated nerve fibers in the body is?

17 / 30

Fibers that communicate danger and touch to the nervous system?

18 / 30

What single area does pain come from in the brain?

19 / 30

When your brain can't predict, one of these may occur?

20 / 30

Holes in our Awareness can be thought of as?

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A grommet hole is?

22 / 30

Using the comb method of tooling is for?

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The combing method is performed with a?

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Tissue gliding uses the concept of?

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Saphenous nerve is located around which joint?

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What are cutaneous nerve entrapments

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Cutaneous nerves are found

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For purposed if this class, damage to a cutaneous nerve may impair

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"When nerves go bad", a grommet hole may

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A tunnel syndrome is basically a cranky nerve whose tunnel has become compressed

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